January 2019 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of Great Ponton Parish Council held on 21st January 2019 at Great Ponton Village Hall.


Cllrs E.Booth (Chairman), P.Jackson (Vice-Chairman), G.Taylor, D.Booth. I.Cruickshank.

One member of public. DCllr.Adams.

Chairman’s welcome.

a. Cllr Eileen Booth (Chairman) welcomed everyone.

Public forum.

1. Apologies.

a. None received.

2. Declarations of Interest.

a. None made.

3. Notes of the minutes from the previous meeting held on 26th November 2018 to be approved as a true copy of the minutes. Resolved by all.

4. Matters arising from the minutes.

a. Highways matters.

  • Volkarail needs to be contacted again as their heavy vehicles are still going through the village.
  • Potholes are now being filled and a comprehensive list of each one is sent to the clerk.
  • Dropped kerbs have now been completed. Road sweeper has also been round.

b. Community Speed Watch. (SID unit)

It was reported that the vehicle counts were 8964 and a speed limit of 55 mph had been recorded at 11.20pm Average speed is 26.4mph.

c. Boundary and Village centre.

A reminder that the boundary of Parish Council land still runs down a residents garden. It was discussedhaving a legal claim on the property in case it is sold at any time. Clerk to contact Pert’s solicitors.

5. Village Centre report.

a. Busy and successful Christmas parties had taken place. Lots of bookings have come In and the Motor Club had booked a charity night on 1st February.

Burns night with food had been advertised.

The sounds system was now working properly and blackout curtains had been Purchased.

Vacancy for bar staff on a voluntary basis are needed.

b. The deeds to the Village Centre had been located and it was resolved by all to add these to all the other deeds we have and store then with Pert & Malin Solicitors.

6. Community Playing Field.

a. The outside toilet had now had a ‘frost stat’ added as the toilet is still in use, this will raise the temperature inside should the temp outside drop.

b. It was resolved to store the playing field deeds along with all the others at Pert & Malin Solicitors.

c. Football Club.

It was resolved to have the flood lights reconnected and in working order.

d. Caravan & Camping Club.

It was resolved to purchase ‘bark chippings’ as and when required for ground coverage.

The caravan site is still being used throughout the winter.

7. Financial matters.

a. The financial report was read out and accepted by all.

b. Cllr Adams has suggested we apply to the District Councillors for a grant.

c. It was resolved to spend up to £300 to purchase a barrier type gate fencing from the Paddock to footpath No 1.

d. It was resolved to give a grant to the church of £500.

8. Brown’s Trust.

a. The Browns Trust accounts stands at £50.04 and £29.47

9. Councillor vacancy.

It was agreed to remove the vacancy advert due to the elections in May.

10. Planning matters.

a. The planning application for change of use of the Paddock to Leisure use had now been submitted to SKDC.

11. Correspondence.

a. Correspondence received was included in the agenda.

12. Councillors reports & items for inclusion at the next meeting.

a. None

13. Date of the next meeting.

a. The date agreed for the next meeting was agreed for 18th March 2019 at 7pm at the Village Centre.

14. To resolve whether to exclude public, press or police, who will be required to leave the meeting at this stage.


Meeting closed at 8.25pm