November 2019 Minutes
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Great Ponton Parish Council
Held on 25th November 2019 at 7pm in Village Centre.
Cllrs E.Booth. Chairman, P.Jackson, Vice-Chairman, D.Booth and G.Taylor.
Cllr Cruickshank arrived at 7.15pm
5 public.
Public Forum. Various discussions had taken place regarding the chicken farm planning application. Playing field had been used by quad bikes churning up the ground, Cllr will check on this. Filled poo bags being thrown into the trees. Dog Training Club clients are parking on the playing field, it’s noted that ONLY disabled vehicle owners are allowed to park on the playing field.
Meeting started at 7.45pm.
1. Apologies of absence.
a. None received.
2. Declarations of interest.
a. None received.
3. Notes of the minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 16th September 2019 to be approved as the new minutes.
a. Resolved to accept these minutes
4. Matters arising for the minutes:
a. Highways matters.
LCC grass cutting from Dallygate towards High Dyke.
Potholes under bridge.
River bridge underneath is blocked to the point of water ingress into bungalows.
Sewage plant had overflowed due to water volume.
b. Speed Indicator Device. 39782 vehicles had passed the unit with an average of 16.5 mph. Max speed of 50mph. The unit was based pointing upwards of village
c. Boundary in village. Ongoing.
5. Village Centre Matters/Report.
a. Halloween and Bonfire partied had been well attended, with thanks going to all the helpers.
The rooms are being redecorated an seating being shuffled around to accommodate more clients as the centre is getting busier. Christmas OAP party on 6th December followed by an evening event. The centre will become the local Polling Station for the forthcoming elections in December. Christmas Eve and New Years Eve parties are planned. No AGM as yet as awaiting the financial report. The representative explained that the Committee had the opportunity of purchasing a second hand conservatory, but before monies are exchanged.
6. Community Playing Field.
a. The cabin has had a leak but now repaired. Some saplins have died of and it was resolved to spend up to £50 to purchase replacements. The dyke from the property adjacent was blocked up and the dyke on Beano’s wood along with the culverts are blocked.
b. To receive update from the football club. Grantham Town Football Club Academy reported that land surveys and pilot holes have been done Quotes of £135k to make the two pitches into tiers. Teams of 7s to under 12s multiple of each. The Football Association will put money into pitches that are owned by local councils especially of they are run and maintained by the local community. Over the forthcoming years, pitches will grow as required. Floodlights will cost £17k and a full size pitch to ‘showcase’ the Football Club is planned. Grants have been applied for to replace the existing cabins for something more substantial. Lots of planning is going on in the background. Clerk was to chase SAFC for their contract in time for the next PC meeting. Clerk can report that the mole infestation on the playing field had been reported to the local pest control contractor, but with the water table being so high it is proving a problem.
c. Caravan & Camping Club. The annual report has been sent to the C+C Club, a rally is planned for July 2020. The top car parking area is in need of a better surface.
7. Financial matters.
a. The latest financial report had been circulated and it was resolved to accept the figures given.
b. Clerk had been contacted by Buckminster estates regarding the rental of the small notice board fixed to one of their properties. Rent of two years to the sum of .10p is outstanding.
The Clerk had agreed that the rental of £2.50 be paid to cover the next 50 years. It was resolved to accept this payment.
c. Budget. The budget was discussed and it was agreed that the increase to the precept for 2020-2021 will be 2%.
8. Browns Trust.
a. The Christmas monies paid as per Browns Trust agreement worked out to £50 per person. Cheques were signed and hand delivered to each recipient.
9. Planning matters.
a. Any local planning applications had been dealt with accordingly.
b. The ‘chicken farm’ planning application had been discussed during the public forum and it was decided that the Parish Council write to SKDC saying that the Parish Council had taken residents concerns on board regarding the extra traffic passing through the village and have obtained assurances from the planning applicant that no traffic will pass through the village that would service the development.
10. Vacancy.
a. Applications had been received from 4 candidates. After discussion it was agreed by all to co-opt Mrs J.Booth and Mrs A.Convery to the Parih Council. Clerk will send out the necessary paperwork to be signed.
11. Correspondence.
a. Correspondence received was included in the agenda.
b. Chairman had attended a meeting regarding road safety on the A1. Discussions had taken place regarding how the A1 is affecting the Great Ponton area and how the A1 has developed over the years and that it isn’t fit for the use it now gets.
12. Cllrs reports & items for inclusion at the next meeting. Or reports on other items not on the agenda.
13. Date of the next meeting is booked for Tuesday 21st January 2020
14. To resolve whether to exclude public, press or Police, who will be required to leave the meeting at this stage.
a. None.
Meeting closed at 9.51pm