March 2019 Minutes
Minutes of the meeting of Great Ponton Parish Council held on 18th March 2019 at Great Ponton village centre.
Cllrs E.Booth (Chairman), P.Jackson (Vice-Chairman), G.Taylor, D.Booth. I.Cruickshank.
Two members of public.
Chairman’s welcome.
a. Cllr Eileen Booth (Chairman) welcomed everyone.
Public forum.
1. Apologies.
a. None received.
2. Declarations of Interest.
a. None made.
3. Notes of the minutes from the previous meeting held on 21st January 2019 to be approved as a true copy of the minutes. Resolved by all.
4. Matters arising from the minutes.
a. Highways matters.
- Trees and bushes in Cringle Way are so overgrown they are now touching the passing vehicles. Report to SKDC
- The village ‘litter pick’ around the quarry area was successful and the bags of rubbish had been collected by SKDC.
- SKDC had repaired to footbridge some time ago, but the styles at each end are now in a decayed form. Report to SKDC.
b. Community Speed Watch. (SID unit)
It was reported that the vehicle counts were 20649 and a speed limit of 50 mph had been recorded at 3.20pm on 27th February. Average speed is 25mph.
c. Boundary.
Reminder that the boundary at one property is incorrect.
5. Village Centre report.
- Many bookings have been received and the committee have received excellent Feedback.
- St. Patrick’s day had been well attended. Easter Sunday car boot and BBQ has been Organised.
- The Police had been to see the committee as it had be brought to their attention that drinking after hours had been reported. After discussion and seeing evidence that this did not take place, they were happy with the outcome.
b. The Clerk can now confirm that these have now been placed with the solicitor.
6. Community Playing Field.
a. Huge thanks go to Cllrs P. Jackson, D.Booth and Mr Richard Booth for their works within the playing field giving better access from the paddock. The old hedge between the field and paddock has been removed and a new one is due to be planted. Local resident and neighbour Mrs Southerington had donated the storage container, which we have thanked her for. This has now been brought closer to the cabins for easy access.
b. The Clerk can confirm that the deeds to the playing field are now in storage with the solicitor.
c. Football Club.
No current football club is using the pitches, but the Parish Council are in negotiations with Grantham Town Football Club for long term use.
d. Caravan & Camping Club.
Clerk had purchased a new waterproof notice board for the Camp Site. This had been paid for from the SKDC grant.
7. Financial matters.
a. The financial report was read out and accepted by all.
8. Brown’s Trust.
a. The Browns Trust accounts stands at £75.44 and £29.47
9. Parish Council Elections.
The Clerk had distributed the required paperwork to those Parish Councillors who are interested in standing again for election. The results of which will be displayed after the elections on 2nd May.
10. Planning matters.
a. No planning applications had been received.
11. Correspondence.
a. Correspondence received was included in the agenda.
12. Councillors reports & items for inclusion at the next meeting.
a. None
13. Date of the next meeting.
a. The date agreed for the Annual General Meeting was agreed for 13th May at 7pm at the Village Centre.
14. To resolve whether to exclude public, press or police, who will be required to leave the meeting at this stage.
Meeting closed at 7.55 pm