September 2020 minutes

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Great Ponton Parish Council held on 14th September 2020 at 7pm via zoom

Present: Cllrs E.Booth. Chairman,  P.Jackson, Vice-Chairman,  D.Booth, J.Booth, A.Convery and G.Taylor.


Public Forum. 

1. Apologies of absence.

a. Apologies received from Cllr I.Cruickshank. Reasons given and accepted by all.

2. Declarations of interest.

a. None received.

3. Notes of the minutes of the  Parish Council Meeting held on 13th July 2020 to be approved as the new minutes.

a. Resolved to accept these minutes

4. Matters arising for the minutes:

a. Highways matters. 

Hedge of private dwelling on Dallygate needs cutting, it was agreed to send a letter to the owner.

The ‘big clean’ around the village has been done. Pot holes in Archers Way has been reported to Highways. Overhanging trees near ‘The Old Rectory’ is blocking the road sign. Clerk to report it.

b. Speed Indicator Device. 

Data shows 17027 vehicles with the average speed of 24mph and the highest speed being 51mph.

c. Boundary in village. Ongoing.

5. Village Centre Matters/Report.

The walls have now been constructed on the new conservatory and the window frames are also in, but no roof as of yet.

A meeting of the Trustees is required but due to Covid this has been put on hold. Bingo on Thursday evenings and Coffee Mornings on Fridays.
6.  Community Playing Field/Paddock.

a.  Playing Field still getting used.

b. Football Club. Chairman has been approached by various clubs all wanting to use the playing field football pitches. This was decided to let them go ahead.

c. Caravan & Camping Club. The roof on the Elson point needs repairing. Cllr Jackson will check on the date for works to commence on the hardstanding. It was agreed by all to purchase trees and bulbs to set around the new hardstanding and various other areas within the village. Clerk reported that the magazine advert for the Caravan Club has been renewed for another two years.

7. Financial matters.

a. The latest financial report had been circulated and it was resolved to accept the figures given.

Cllr Jackson said that it was time that the hedges around the playing field be cut. It was resolved to place this instruction. Invoice will be sent once completed. Also it was agreed to pay the invoice for the new notice board as requested at the previous meeting.

8. Browns Trust.

a. The two Brown’s Trust accounts stand at £300.96 and £2.47.

10. Planning matters.

a. Any planning applications received had been dealt with and sent to SKDC.

One application had been received that was from two Parish Councillors. Three Councillors declared an interest and the remaining voted as no objections to this application. Clerk will process this accordingly.

11. Correspondence.

a. Correspondence received was included in the agenda. 

12. Cllrs reports & items for inclusion at the next meeting. Or reports on other items not on the agenda.

13. Date of the next meeting was put on hold due to covid19.

14. To resolve whether to exclude public, press or Police, who will be required to leave the meeting at this stage.

a. None.

Meeting closed at 8.10pm