July 2020 Minutes

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Great Ponton Parish Council

Held on 13th July 2020 at 7pm in Village Centre.


Cllrs E.Booth. Chairman, P.Jackson, Vice-Chairman, D.Booth, J.Booth, I.Cruickshank and A.Convery.

District Cllrs D.Bellamy 3 members of public.


Public Forum.

1. Apologies of absence.

a. Apologies received from Cllr G.Taylor. Reasons given and accepted by all.

2. Declarations of interest.

a. None received.

3. Notes of the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 9th March 2020 to be approved as the new minutes.

a. Resolved to accept these minutes

4. Matters arising for the minutes:

a. Highways matters. Cllr Convery reported that potholes had been reported to SKDC and that fly tipping had also been reported to the Neighbourhood Team, should any be remaining it will be reported again, although it did contain asbestos so may take longer than planned to get removed. Chairman reported that the grass cutting around the Blue Horse triangle, will be gut on a regular basis and added to the list with contractors.

Cllr Adams joined the meeting at 7.20pm.

b. Speed Indicator Device. 9663 vehicles had been recorded. 23.8 average mph and a 55mph speed had been recorded. Community Speed Watch. Comments from the public had been taken on board from the last meeting and the clerk was asked to price up the equipment for the CSW. This came to roughly £600.Clerk explained that it was not possible to ask other Parish Councils to use their equipment and that since lockdown, CSW teams were now able to return with safety measures in place. Clerk was asked to set up the safe places to stand with the Lincs Road Safety Partnership and Cllr D.Booth said that he would make up a poster for the village. Clerk will place one on the website.

c. Boundary in village. Ongoing.

Cllrs Bellamy and Adams if there was any questions people would like to ask, as they both had other meetings to attend. Nothing was asked and both Cllrs left the meeting.

5. Village Centre Matters/Report.

a. The defib based at the village centre is being regularly checked.

b. Cllr J.Booth, also being Chairman of the village centre, expressed sincere thanks to the Parish Clerk for her help in getting the £10,000 government grant. At a previous Parish Council meeting, it was agreed by all to install a conservatory on the rear wall of the building, no planning permission needed. The committee hired a digger to commence digging out the footings for the dwarf wall. New fence posts had been installed as the original one’s had stated to subside. The Parish Council had donated a wooden gazebo which had now been erected. Fascia boards had been replaced. The public bar inside in currently being refurbished and access installed for the patrons in the conservatory.

The AGM didn’t take place due to the pandemic, but as soon as permission is given to hold meetings then a date will be set.

The play area at the front has a piece of equipment starting to rot, the committee is seeking a maintenance company who will look after the play area and also give annual safety reports.

The grassed area needed to be levelled out, so whilst the digger was on site, it was used to do this job, also 40 rolls of turf had been donated to cover this area. The top area of the car park had been tidied up making the whole lot look better.

6. Community Playing Field/Paddock.

a. The trees around the playing field now need some attention. Clerk to get prices.

b. Access to the playing field has been given to a ladies football team. Grantham Football Academy is still paying their monthly rent.

c. Caravan & Camping Club. The insurance has now been renewed. The site has been closed down during lockdown and have now reopened with various safety measures in place. Cllr Taylor had reported earlier that various jobs needed doing to the cabins and facilities, also the kitchen area inside will need new crockery, kettle etc. This can be done when the cabins are fully functional.

Safety cleaning products have been put in place to use.

Cllr Jackson reported that the new ground surface will be laid this month, giving better access over the paddock from the church carpark to the playing field.

It was agreed by all that a tree and plaque be purchased in memory of the late Derek Barratt who passed away recently. Derek was a great asset to the village and will be sadly missed by all.

7. Financial matters.

a. The latest financial report had been circulated and it was resolved to accept the figures given.

b. It was resolved to accept the Internal Auditor report.

c. It was resolved to approve the Annual Governance Statement.

d. It was resolved to approve the Statement of Accounts.

e. It was agreed by all to approve the Chairman to sign the annual return.

f. It was resolved to approve the certificate of exemption.

8. Browns Trust.

a. The two Brown’s Trust accounts stand at £200.99 and £2.47.

9. Parish Council elections.

a. Due to the pandemic, there was no AGM which resulted in Cllr E.Booth staying Chairman for another year.

10. Planning matters.

a. Any planning applications received had been dealt with and sent to SKDC.

11. Correspondence.

a. Correspondence received was included in the agenda.

12. Cllrs reports & items for inclusion at the next meeting. Or reports on other items not on the agenda.

13. Date of the next meeting is booked for Tuesday 18th May 2020

14. To resolve whether to exclude public, press or Police, who will be required to leave the meeting at this stage.

a. None.

Meeting closed at 8.10pm