July 2022 Minutes

Great Ponton Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting of GPPC held on 26th July 2022 at 6 30pm

Present Councillors Eileen Booth, David Booth, Ian Cruickshank, Gordon Taylor, Richard Parkinson.

Acting Parish Clerk Carol Ramsey.

Chairmans welcome.

Open public forum.   No public in attendance

1 Apologies. Received from Councillor David Bellamy

2 Declarations of interest according with the Localism Act 2001. None received.


5  Report on the village hall was given by David Burling. The centre are minimising costs and the Jubilee events were well attended. Richard Street is no longer treasurer after repeated requests for an explanation of £7200 not being accounted for were not given. Discussions regarding the unfinished conservatory are on going. June balance 14354.10 July balance 14706.70 Profit +£352.60.

4a Community speed watch. 19005 vehicles passed through the village with an average speed of 24.5, maximum of 50mph was recorded  and 300 cars exceeded the speed limit.

4b Potential improvements of the speed system. It was suggested a quote was obtained for decorative white gates which may deter speeding . a pair of gates made out of recycled plastic start at £560 +vat.

4c Boundary village centre still ongoing.

4d Parish council vacancies forms received and are being acted upon.

4e It was resolved to give a one -off payment to GP Parish church to aid with grass cutting in the churchyard.

6a-d Playing field matters It was decided to put up a notice asking for the gate to Dally gate remain closed when not in use. This has been done and is working well. The condition of the gate was discussed however the condition of the gate is good but the gate and posted have poorly erected and hang badly. Discussions relating to the future use of the field took place but nothing was resolved. Grass cutting in the Jubilee wood was discussed and it was agreed to approach Peter Jackson. This has been done.

7 Financial matters

7a It was resolved to change banks to allow easier access and use. This matter is proving difficult and is ongoing.

7b updated financial reports were given to all no queries have been received.

7c The Browns trust figures were also given to all and no queries have been received.

8 Correspondence

8a a letter was received from a concerned resident on Archers way regarding parking and the obstruction to the flow of traffic. It was suggested we could approach the local PCSO.

9 Councillors reports and matters for the next agenda

9a Mrs Booth chair of the PC reported at this point she no longer wished to be Chairman. It was unanimously decided this role be passed on the deputy chair Ian Cruickshank. After some discussion Mrs Booth agreed to be vice chairman but it would help if this could be clarified at the next meeting.

10 Date of next meeting. Provisionally set for 19th September 2022.

Meeting ended at 7 45pm.