May 2021 Minutes
Great Ponton Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting of Great Ponton Parish Council held on 17th May 2021 at 7pm.
Present: Councillors E.Booth chairman, P.Jackson vice chairman, D.Booth, I.Cruickshank, G.Taylor and J.Booth.
County Councillor B.Adams..
Chairman’s welcome.
Open public forum. No public in attendance.
1. Apologies. No apologies received.
2. Declaration of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011. None received.
Administration. Nominations etc of various officers of the parish council.
a. Chairman. Nominations had been received from Councillor Jackson for Councillor E.Booth to continue as chairman, it was seconded by Councillor D.Booth and agreed by all.
b. Vice Chairman. Nomonation had bee received from Councillor Cruickshank for Councillor P.Jackson to continue as vice chairman, it was seconded by Councillor J.Booth and agreed by all.
c. Community Speed Watch officer. Nomination had been received from Councillor Booth for Councillor D.Booth to continue as Community Speed Watch officer, it was seconded by Councillor Cruickshank and agreed by all.
d. Playing Field officer. Nomination had been received from Councillor Jackson for Councillor Taylor to continue as the playing field officer, it was seconded by Councillor Booth, and agreed by all.
e. Football Club. Nomination had been received from Councillor J.Booth for Councillor Cruickshank to continue as the Football Club officer, it was seconded by Councillor E.Booth and agreed by all.
f. Campsite officer. Nomination had been received from Councillor J.Booth for Councillor Taylor to continue as Campsite officer, it was seconded by Councillor Jackson and agreed by all.
g. Councillor vacancy. The vacancy has arisen after a resignation had been received, it was duly sent to the district council and we have now been informed that we can fill the vacancy by co-option.
3. Notes of the general meeting held on 8th March These had previously been circulated and it was resolved to accept these as a true copy of the minutes.
4. District and County Councillors reports.
No report had been received from the District Councillor and County Councillor Adams had nothing to report other than the County Council elections recently.
5. Matters arising from the minutes.
a. Highways matters. Reporting of potholes and minor works are still taking place to the relevant authorities. Clerk confirmed that no list of works sent out by South Kesteven District Council had ever been received, Councillor Adams said this would be organised for the parish council to receive them. Fly tipping has been collected, tyres dumped in the dyke are still there, roadsign at the top of Dallygate had been repaired although broken again, it was agreed that when reporting this, it could be suggested that the sign be relocated to avoid any further damage.
b. Community Speed Watch. 18890 vehicle counts were noted, with an average of 23 mph. Speed of 55pmy had been logged at 12.30am on 1st May.
c. Boundary Village Centre. Still ongoing.
6. Village Centre matters and reports.
The Village Centre Trustee Councillor Jackson offered up thanks on behalf of the trustees to everyone who had been working in the Village Centre. He’s disappointed that problems had not been forthcoming when reports were given at parish council meetings and the first the trustees knew of the seriousness was when they asked for a loan to pay the insurance. Lack of communication throughout both the trustees and management committee. This now need a line drawn under it and taking this forward more people need to come on board. The accounts are not up to date and the Charity Commission website is out of date too. Accounts need to be done as soon as possible. More to be discussed at the next parish council meeting.
7. Community Playing Field.
a. Playing field. Reports had been received of kids riding motorised bikes on the field. It was agreed to purchase signs advising of the field rules of usage. The picnic table/seating is yet to be installed, and 6 slabs needed to be purchased to enable this to be done, possibly locate it in the paddock area.
b. Football Club. Permission was given for a smaller football team to practise on the field.
c. Campsite. The ground at the front of the cabins is very boggy, it was suggested to get quotes to dig out the area some 30x6mts and put hardcore down and top soil to level it out. Ongoing.
8. Financial matters.
a. The finance report had previously been circulated. It was resolved to accept the figures given.
b. Internal auditors report. This had been previously circulated. It was resolved by all to accept this report.
c. Annual Governance Statement. This had been previously circulated. It was resolved to accept this report.
d. Statement of Accounts. This had been previously circulated. It was resolved to accept this report.
e. Authorisation. It was agreed by all to authorise the Chairman to sign the Annual Return.
f. Insurance. The insurance paperwork had been received by the clerk and it was resolved to continue this for the oncoming year.
9. Browns Trust. The clerk informed everyone that the interest on the Browns Trust account was now reduced to pence per month. This means that the conditions of the finances of the trust were so that each recipient would get less that £1 in December. Clerk to contact the solicitors regarding conditions of the set up of this trust.
10. Planning matters.
No planning applications had been received.
11. Correspondence.
Any correspondence received had been included in the agenda.
12. Councillors reports and items for the next meeting.
None requested.
13. Date for the next meeting. Provisionally set for 6th September 2021.
14. To resolve to go into closed session.
Meeting ended at 8.15pm