January 2021 Minutes

 Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Great Ponton Parish Council

Held on 18th January 2021  at 7pm via zoom

Present: Councillors E.Booth. Chairman,  P.Jackson, Vice-Chairman,  D.Booth, J.Booth, A.Convery.

District Councillor Bellamy, County Councillor Adams.


Public Forum. No public in attendance.

1. Apologies of absence.

a. Apologies received from Councillor G.Taylor  Reasons given and accepted by all.

2. Declarations of interest.

a. None received.

3. Notes of the minutes of the  Parish Council Meeting held on 7th December 2020 to be approved as the new minutes.

a. Resolved to accept these minutes

4. Matters arising for the minutes:

a. Highways matters.

Potholes around the village had been reported, areas at the side of the small bridge has been swept away with the rain. Metal drainage grate under the railway bridge is blocked. Potholes reported at Hunters Nook. Culvert top broken at Pit Lane.

Reports to SKDC of two areas of fly tipping had been removed and another load had been reported by the railway bridge.

Councillor Jackson reported that the river is quite high and dykes are overflowing, it may be prudent to arrange sand bags as if these do overflow, the likelihood of it causing property damage is high. Clerk to send letter/email to Environment Agency, Buckminster estates and also Stoke Rochford Estates and the latter two are responsible for clearing the dykes they own.


b. Speed Indicator Device.

Data received shows 7785 vehicles, max speed of 55mph at 12.20pm on 4/1/21 and and an average speed of 20mph.

c. Boundary in village. Ongoing.

5. Village Centre Matters/Report.

The village centre remains closed and they are struggling financially. Chairman approached the Parish Council and asked if they would consider funding or a loan of £1600 to pay for the insurance. A vote was taken and it was agreed to pay the insurance as it was overdue. After discussions amongst all Councillors who attended, it was agreed the Parish Council help with the running of the Village Centre, but Clerk will contact the treasurer to get last year’s accounts and an up to date list of accounts so it can be ascertained just how  much the Parish Council will be taking on financially.


6.  Community Playing Field/Paddock.

a.  Playing Field. It was reported that sight of motor bike type vehicle had been riding around the field, Councillor Jackson had moved the large boulders of concrete closer together to stop any form of vehicle from accessing the field between the gaps. Possibility of having a sign put up, but that will be decided at a later date. Needles have been found again and have been reported to both the Police and also SKDC.

The dyke that runs alongside the playing field is privately owned and Councillor Jackson will make contact with the owner. Bollards have now been placed along the dyke as a reminder for vehicle drivers of the dyke.

The water trough which goes through a neighbouring wall has had a metal cover put on the top, situated on the field side and two reflector will be attached warning drivers.

SOS repair garage on the A1 has now cut down the trees after seeking permission to gain access via the field.

Paddock: A fire had been reported on the Paddock, Councillor Booth and husband attended, the burning items looked like fence panels and wooden furniture.  Litters picking has been done, but Councillor Jackson will remove the larger items by tractor.

b. Football Club. No football has been taking place due to the pandemic.

c. Caravan & Camping Club.  No caravans have been allowed to park up due to the pandemic.

7. Financial matters.

a. The latest financial report had been circulated and it was resolved to accept the figures given.

8. Browns Trust.

a. The Brown’s Trust monthly interest had been divided between 8 eligible ladies of the village.

10. Planning matters.

a. Any planning applications received had been dealt with and sent to SKDC.

11. Correspondence.

a. Correspondence received was included in the agenda.

12. Councillors reports & items for inclusion at the next meeting. Clerk asked to add Number 1 footpath alongside the paddock going to the A1 be added to the grass cutting list for next year.

13. Date of the next meeting 8th March 2021. The Annual Parish Council Meeting along with the Annual General Meeting will be held on 10th May 2021.

14. To resolve whether to exclude public, press or Police, who will be required to leave the meeting at this stage.

a. None.


Meeting closed at 8.10 pm