October 2018 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of Great Ponton Parish Council held on 1st October 2018 at Great Ponton Village Hall.


Cllrs E.Booth (Chairman), P.Jackson (Vice-Chairman), G.Taylor, R.Taylor, D.Booth. I.Cruickshank.

One member of public. DCllr.Adams.

Chairman’s welcome.

a. Cllr Eileen Booth (Chairman) welcomed everyone.

Public forum.

1. Apologies.

a. None received.

2. Declarations of Interest.

a. None made.

3. Notes of the minutes from the previous meeting held on 9th July 2018 to be approved as a true copy of the minutes. Resolved by all.

4. Matters arising from the minutes.

a. Highways matters.

  • Various potholes around the village had now been attended to.
  • It was reported that there are 32 gaps between Great Ponton and just below Stamford in the barriers on the A1. I was suggested writing to Highways England to see if some of these could be closed up as so many accidents are happening with people trying to cross the A1.
  • Volkarail have been transporting heavy equipment through the village especially over the bridge which has a weight limit to it.
  • The bridge within the village has white lines down the centre, advising drivers that the bridge is two way. Collisions have been caused due to the narrowness of the bridge for two vehicles. By removing the white lines it would suggest that it’s a single track.
  • Letter to be sent to the village school regarding overgrown vegetation on the footpaths and also the sign. If no response, ask Highways to cut the overgrowing hedges etc and charge it to the school. Within the letter, advise the school that local car parks are available for parents/carers etc instead of parking in the road. It had been noted that children were walking between parked vehicles.

b. Community Speed Watch. (SID unit)

It was reported that the vehicle counts were 27272 and a speed limit of 50mph had been recorded, the average speed is 26.5mph. 18-24% of vehicles are over the 30mph limit.Peak times are between 8-9am.

c. Boundary and Village centre.

A reminder that the boundary of Parish Council land still runs down a residents garden

5. Village Centre report.

  • October 19th is the AGM and several volunteers have expressed that they will be leaving.
  • Halloween childrens party on 26th October and the bonfire night is 2nd November.

6. Community Playing Field.

a. The recently applied for Grant had been successful and various items to enhance the area can now be purchased. The solicitors have now received the deeds to the ‘paddock’ area and will keep them on behalf of the Parish Council.

b. Football Club.

There is currently no football team using the pitch and the Football Club Chairman has made contact with Grantham Town Football Club offering our facilities.

c. Caravan & Camping Club.

There are still many users of the caravan site. Minor ongoing repair works are continuing. It was resolved to purchase a plug in electric meter to monitor electric usage of some of the caravans.

d. It was resolved to make an application to SKDC to change the use of the ‘paddock’ from agricultural to leisure.

7. Financial matters.

a. The financial report was read out and accepted by all. It was noted that the recently applied for grant from SKDC had been approved. The sum of £2416.39 had been received. Items suggested to purchase is to enhance the playing field and put a suitable base down for vehicles to travel over the paddock. This amount was minus VAT, as we are able to claim that back. The amount will be benchmarked within the finances when the new budget is prepared.

The sum of £1026.39 was agreed to be paid.

The current account is £11,103.92. Playing field account is £2,511.72

b. Regarding having internet access to the playing field account, the Clerk said that she had go telephone banking for this account and was happy to stay with this.

c. PWLB. The loan application to the Public Works Loan Board had been granted and the amount was due to be paid into the current account. Once this had been received, those who had loaned the finances to make the purchase of The Paddock will be repaid in full.

8. Brown’s Trust.

a. The Browns Trust is £8.38 and £195.89

9. Planning matters.

a. There was no planning applications received.

10. Correspondence.


  • Correspondence received was included in the agenda.
  • Western Power had made contact as to who owned The Paddock area for ‘wayleave’ monies. It was reported back that the Parish Council indeed now owned this land.
  • It had been reported that a website for ‘free’ caravan/motorhome parking had a notice that free parking was allowed on the Parish Church car park. The Clerk had written to the website administrators and stated that this was NOT allowed and there was a suitable caravan site within 10 yards away. The website had been updated accordingly.

11. Councillors reports & items for inclusion at the next meeting.

a. None

12. Date of the next meeting.

a. The date agreed for the next meeting was agreed for 26th November 2018 at 7pm at the Village Hall.

13. No ‘closed session’ was on the agenda.

Meeting closed at 8.30pm