November 2018 Minutes
Minutes of the meeting of Great Ponton Parish Council held on 26th November 2018 at Great Ponton Village Hall.
Cllrs E.Booth (Chairman), P.Jackson (Vice-Chairman), G.Taylor, D.Booth. I.Cruickshank.
One member of public. DCllr.Adams.
Chairman’s welcome.
a. Cllr Eileen Booth (Chairman) welcomed everyone.
Public forum.
1. Apologies.
a. None received.
2. Declarations of Interest.
a. None made.
3. Notes of the minutes from the previous meeting held on 26th November 2018 to be approved as a true copy of the minutes. Resolved by all.
4. Matters arising from the minutes.
a. Highways matters.
- Volkarail had been contacted and they will endeavour to stop their heavy vehicles from passing through the village.
- Correspondence from the village school to advise that the overgrown hedge has been cut back. Although the parking is getting worse.
b. Community Speed Watch. (SID unit)
It was reported that the vehicle counts were 31000 and a speed limit of 48 mph had been recorded. Peak times are between 7-8am and 4-5pm
c. Boundary and Village centre.
A reminder that the boundary of Parish Council land still runs down a residents garden
5. Village Centre report.
- The AGM had taken place and Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer had been appointed, 5 members of the public attended.
- Lots of ‘behind the scenes’ work had been done to enhance facilities of the bar.
- Lots of events have been planned for the rest of the year. Fundraiser for Alzheimer’s society, Christmas dinner, Halloween childrens party, fireworks party and the bar will be open for both Christmas Eve and New Years Eve. Lots of functions have been booked in for next year.
- There is now a darts team in place.
- It was agreed to write to the out-going committee and thank them for the sterling work given over the years.
6. Community Playing Field.
- Grass has been cut on the Paddock but not the playing field.
- The top end of the field had been tidied up.
- Sacks of spring bulbs had been planted around the area.
a. Football Club.
Currently there is no football team but the FC Chairman is hopeful that a local team will take up the offer of using the field.
b. Caravan & Camping Club.
The water supply is usually turned off but as the site is till being used, then it was agreed by all to purchase a small heater to stop the pipes from freezing up.
7. Financial matters.
a. The financial report was read out and accepted by all.
b. It was resolved to repay resident number 1 for the loan to purchase the paddock.
c. It was resolved to repay resident number 2 for the loan to purchase the paddock.
d. It was resolved to repay resident number 3 for the loan to purchase the paddock.
e. It was resolved to repay resident number 4 for the loan to purchase the paddock.
f. It was resolved to repay resident number 5 for the loan to purchase the paddock.
g. The budget figures had been discussed and all agreed to apply for £9174 precept.
8. Brown’s Trust.
a. The Browns Trust payout to 6 suitably qualified residents within the village, each will receive £37.
9. Councillor vacancy.
The resignation had been received from ex Councillor Taylor with immediate effect. This now leave a vacancy for a Parish councillor.
10. Planning matters.
a. There was no planning applications received.
11. Correspondence.
a. Correspondence received was included in the agenda.
12. Councillors reports & items for inclusion at the next meeting.
a. None
13. Date of the next meeting.
a. The date agreed for the next meeting was agreed for 21st January 2019 at 7pm at the Village Hall.
14. To resolve whether to exclude public, press or police, who will be required to leave the meeting at this stage.
Meeting closed at 8.30pm